Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The historical & memorable experience of Cepu - Central Java, Indonesia.

General Information of Cepu, Central Java of Indonesia.
Cepu is defined as the sub district region of Blora city which is located in the Central Java’s province - Indonesia. Located in the border of Eastern Java’s province and Central Java’s province, connecting the main road from Surabaya (Capital of East Java), Purwodadi (Central Java) and Semarang (Capital of Central Java)
Historically, the name of Cepu comes previously since the previous order of Panembahan Senopati (King of Mataram - I), precisely while there was a conflict of Putri Madiun which is well known as Retno Dumilah. Another story says that it comes from the tale of Ario Penangsang, a battle between Jipang Panolan and Pajang nearby the river of Bengawan Solo.
At current moment, Cepu is well known as an oil city since it contains many sources of oil and gas, in other hand Cepu is also well known as a producer of teak woods since it has a lot of teak’s plantations here.
In the old colonial period, Cepu was the one of an important city for the oil, gas and teak’s woods productions. Old style of Dutch’s buildings, uniquely Loji Klunthung, Sasono Suko’s building, and Dutch’s funeral area/ Kuburan Londo which is located in the village of Wonorejo – sub district of Cepu. An old ultra light aircraft’s runaway in Ngolaram, and also the rail of train which is connecting Eastern & Central of Java province thru Cepu.
Instead of oil, gas, teak’s woods exploration, the local people of Cepu is producing a traditional handy craft from woods, and also offering teak plantation tourism by riding an old & historical steam train.

In the period of Indonesian’s national alliance, many communist from PKI Madiun was escaping to Cepu, and fortunately Divisi Ronggolawe which is lead by GPH Dipokusumo could protect and fully control this region and for the appreciation of this effort, the name of Ronggolawe and Dipokusumo is being used as an icon of Cepu. Ronggolawe is being used too for the name a biggest court/ yard in Cepu, STTR (Technology University of Ronggolawe – Cepu) and a Horse monument of
Ronggolawe and to honor the GPH Dipokusumo, a statue is being created nearby Sasono Suko’s building.

Dance of Tayuban & Barongan.
Tayuban is the one of the traditional dance from Cepu, occasionally performed when the local people is celebrating traditional events/ wishes. The Dance that being performed by beautiful ladies with its Gamelan as the back ground traditional music and Sinden.
Another traditional dance named as a Barongan. It shows an attraction for magician. Such as eating glass, coconuts with his teeth, etc.
Famous traditional light meal from Cepu is called Ledre, made from dried & sliced & rolled banana. You may find nasi pecel, bethiti, lontong tahu campur, lontong tahu, etc.
Cepu produces variable vegetable which is not found in other region, such as Temu Kunci. It grows in the middle of teak plantations. A vegetable seems a cucumber, called Krai, the leave of Kedondong as a vegetable and a Kepompong which is living on the teak is used to be produce as one of a favorite food too as well.

The well known meeting venue of Cepu’s downtown is named TAMAN SERIBU LAMPU (ONE THOUSAND LAMPS PARK). Shows many local communities interact in this area for any social purpose. Such as sellers, visitors, teenagers, etc.
For any medical purpose, available hospitals in Cepu are:
• RSU Suprapto Cepu, tipe C: Jl RSU No.50 Cepu
• RS PPT Migas Cepu: Jl Diponegoro No.9 Cepu
• RS PKU Muhammadiyah : Jl RSU Cepu
• RS Bersalin NU : Jl Gajahmada Cepu
Available public transportations in Cepu are:
• Buss station (Ronggolawe’s buss station)
• Train station (Cepu’s train station)
The classifications of the sub district of Cepu are:
1. Balun
2. Cabeyan
3. Cepu
4. Gadon
5. Getas
6. Jipang
7. Kapuan
8. Karangboyo
9. Kentong
10. Mernung
11. Mulyorejo
12. Ngelo
13. Nglanjuk
14. Ngloram
15. Ngroto
16. Sumberpitu
17. Tambakromo